Rebag me Privacy policy for women luxury brands, like gucci bags shoes and accessories respect the privacy rights of our online visitors and regard highly, the importance of protecting private and personal information collected. Our privacy policy guides how we collect and store and use the information taken from you.
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Personal info collectedTo register, we need your name, email, phone number, home address, shipping and billing addresses so that payments can be made and taken, for listing fees and final purchase price fees and sellers payments. Saved card details will never be shared with third parties. We may also obtain information as a result of authentication or identity checks.
How your info may be used? may use your personal information for making and receiving payments and managing your account. Your personal info may also be checked with credit agencies to prevent fraud and when legally necessary, we may disclose your info to a relevant regulatory body. We may also use your information to send you marketing updates, but only if you are in agreement with this. We do gather information about statistics and site traffic, but your personal details will never be passed on. We may use personal information for internal marketing, demographic studies, to keep the best it can be. At all times, you may choose to opt out of receiving marketing emails and/or sms from

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